"Religion is a snare and a racket."
That one slogan is Watchtower's greatest and only meaningful contribution to humankind.
in behalf of the horrific events of saturday night, i just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that islam is a religion of peace.
it doesn’t matter that the quran explicitly says that homosexuals should be stoned to death (7:84) - it’s still a religion of peace.
and it doesn’t matter that the scriptures say that all gay men should be killed (sunan 1:152) - islam doesn’t in anyway condone violence.. it doesn’t matter that every mainstream imam calls homosexuality a sin "worse the adultery" - it’s not a religion of bigotry.. it doesn’t matter that 61% of muslims in the uk think gay acts should be made illegal - islam has nothing against the gay community.. it doesn’t matter that countries with sharia law actively persecute the lgbt community - islam is all about peace and love.
"Religion is a snare and a racket."
That one slogan is Watchtower's greatest and only meaningful contribution to humankind.
in behalf of the horrific events of saturday night, i just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that islam is a religion of peace.
it doesn’t matter that the quran explicitly says that homosexuals should be stoned to death (7:84) - it’s still a religion of peace.
and it doesn’t matter that the scriptures say that all gay men should be killed (sunan 1:152) - islam doesn’t in anyway condone violence.. it doesn’t matter that every mainstream imam calls homosexuality a sin "worse the adultery" - it’s not a religion of bigotry.. it doesn’t matter that 61% of muslims in the uk think gay acts should be made illegal - islam has nothing against the gay community.. it doesn’t matter that countries with sharia law actively persecute the lgbt community - islam is all about peace and love.
Of course Islam is religion of peace. Inshah Allah, the road to peace is a peacefully flowing river of the blood of all the infidels. Allah Akbar!
after 2 years on the forum, i've finally reached my 1,000th post!.
post #1,000 is dedicated to everyone who i have communicated with & the friends i've made here.
also, to simon who is the reason why we are all here in the first place - thank you for your hard work in making this site what it is.
Coming to think of it, I don't recall seeing a posting from you at all last month. That means you have become an Irregular Poster. Also, you joined 2 years ago and you've only now reached 1000 posts? That means you're averaging around 42 posts per month. Isn't that a little low? You need to work on getting your posts up or Simon might have to take away some of your privileges . . . just so you can "make straight paths for your feet fingers" and recover your zeal.
in 1966 microbiologist kwang jeon was studying a population of amoebae in the lab when they began to die off unexpectedly.
he noticed thousands of tiny dots in the cytoplasm of each individual which turned out to be a bacterial infection.
most of them weakened and died but surprisingly a small percentage recovered and seemed to be back to normal.
Flagellum smagellum! I find it odd that a microbiologist would bring up an argument that was brought up and soundly refuted at the Dover trial. You need to update your knowledge, Vidqun. Bacterial flaggellum is not irreducibly complex. It is the imagination and knowledge of creationists that is irreducibly simple.
as noted on reddit,.
the last convention video,.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d43eygztxl4plagiarized the sound from this album:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2udtlqwtjd4 .
I think this is all shows that the content for the convention program may have been rushed. It seems like this convention may have been hurriedly cobbled together in response to growing disloyalty, murmuring and disassociations in the wake of the Australia pedophile scandal and other issues.
when you read the following statements from the wt.
organization... do they satisfy you?
or better stated...... should you be satisfied by there answers?.
Are the [JW leadership / organization] really false prophets?
No. They're just an organization that claim to be spirit-directed; claim that God directs his people through them; and regularly refer to their own extra-biblical policies and instructions as being Jehovah's instructions and direction. (compare Deuteronomy 18:20a) They also equate leaving the org. with leaving Jehovah and they claim to be Jehovah's channel. They have also made several date predictions for the end of the world and predicted in the Awake magazine mission statement, for many years, that the generation that saw the events of 1914 will not pass away before the new world - this prediction they referred to as "the Creator's promise". But that was not tantamount to making a prediction in God's name, no, no, no. (compare Deuteronomy 18:22; Luke 21:8)
Obviously, all that I've said above does not match in any way, shape or fashion the definition and functions of one who acts as a prophet of God. Because quite unlike what I've described above, a prophet of God is one who is directed by God's spirit and is used by God to direct his people. Such a person will issue directions to the people while referring to such directions as coming from God. Often, prophets would also make predictions of future events, referring to such predictions as coming from the Creator, Jehovah. See, this is very , very, very different from the role of the JW organization mentioned above. lol.
And just because the founder of the organization, C.T. Russel published a volume of Studies in the Scriptures, filled with false apocalyptic date predictions, entitled: "The Time is at Hand!", that in no way, shape or fashion means that Jesus' warning at Luke 21:8 applies to him and his organization:
"And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them." - Luke 21:8
i heard through the grapevine about a forthcoming book:.
together through the great tribulation - come to jehovah's mountain.
still awaiting solid confirmation though.
If they ever redo Revelation I'm betting they will never put it in print but make it available only in electronic format - so they can easily change it.
international version 1 cor 5:11. but now i am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler.
do not even eat with such people.. if shunning is wrong.
.how does one explain this scripture?.
punkofnice: "I only believe in 12.5[%] of the bible...that makes me an eighth theist"
Dude, you should so put that on a T-shirt and sell it! You'd make millions! Seriously, I bet a lot of atheists will buy your T-shirt because it is a fair characterization of many or most atheists. Not everything in the bible is false. There are some true historical accounts and there are some valid points of wisdom and morality. But all the supernatural and superstitious stuff is rubbish. So it's pretty fair to say you believe in 12:5% of the bible and use the term "eight-theist".
i do not know how amc does it, but i find their shows so addictive.. first, breaking bad, and then better call saul.. walking dead, and fear the walking dead.. now, preacher seems very intriguing..
I don't find Preacher all that addictive. So far I think its ok. Breaking Bad was good. Fear the Walking Dead is ok but it simply can't live up to the original Walking Dead. To me The Walking Dead is one of the best shows ever. The zombies are very convincing and the drama is very good. It's not often you get a horror or sci-fi that's also a great drama. Usually good drama and character development gets "sacrificed" for special effects and gore. But The Walking Dead is high quality drama and character development mixed with horror. A rare combo.
Another great show that has just started is Outcast.
its funny ive read some stories on here about how they have become so infuriated by what logic dictates as being true and their own denying of it because it completely screws up their belief and shows how hypocritical it is xd some look like a nuclear reactor about to blow xd.
share you experiences here :) .